Tuesday, August 19, 2008

After we left oold town the first pitcure you will see is the Polish "White House" from a view across the street. Asking Dr. Crowe (who planned the trip) about the lack of security
After all when you see all the security around our White House. He laughed and said, "they have the ions". You will see one on the left hand side of the picture.

The next picture is of the house of Fredrick Choplin. We walked through the apartment, listening to his music and looking at the piano he played.

One thing that was made quite clear to us as we walked through Warsaw that Poland as a country has spent much of their history being conquered and subjected to other countries. That has contributed to the character of the people today. For example, Fredrick Choplin is well know in the west because he was a emigrated to Paris after the after a rebellion of the Poles against imperial Russia.

The last picture was a real surprise to me. It is a satute of Capericus. I never really thought of what nationality he was, but he was Polish. His theory that the earth revolves around the sun and not the sun and plants revolve around the earth was a tremendous affront to the Catholic church (predominate church in Poland) which charge him and convicted him on several charges. Makes so much sense!
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