Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Countdown begins!

It is the last few days before we leave. So many thoughts and things to do. I am like a crazy women. I am packing a very small suitcase, at which my 17 year old daughter shakes her head in amazement that I would attempt such a thing. I tell her that this trip is not about me!!!!! As the trip gets closer and closer there is one thought that continues......"To whom much is given much is required". Maybe that is why I am packing so light, the weight of the subject to be studied seems enough to carry.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Becoming Witnesses

Welcome to Becoming Witnesses. I am a member of a group of educators chosen by North Carolina's Center for the Advancement of Teaching to become witnesses of the Holocaust by visiting some of the primary sites in Germany and Poland. The intent of this Blog is to share this experience with others. From this amazing opportunity may we all become more fervent in our call to become witnesses.